
Monday 18 May 2020

How The Left Lets Us Down: TERF Wars And Class War

TRA V Women, a cartoon by Wendy Cockcroft for On t'Internet
In my last post I talked about how the quest for validation in every area pits natal women against transwomen, particularly those who have not physically transitioned, and paints objectors as bigots. Today I'm going to talk about how the Left makes things worse for those of us who don't want to share female-only spaces with male-bodied people.

If you're easily offended, hit the back button now. I won't be pulling my punches.

It should come as no surprise that the Left lets women and girls down, particularly if they're white and being sexually abused. No, I haven't joined a mad right wing nationalist party, I'm stating a fact. Now that the TERF wars have leaked out of the fringes and into common political discourse they're at their old tricks again. But why? Aren't they supposed to side with the oppressed? Yeah, about that...

The same factors that led them to associate with the Paedophile Information Exchange, to deny and downplay the sexual abuse of girls in Rotherham and other places by Asian grooming gangs, and to try to force the GRA on us (they failed) are in play, to wit, their obsession with class and their embrace of progressivism. Let's take a closer look at how these work in practice, then consider ways to deal with them.

The role of class in Left-wing thinking

Lefties love to wibble on about class. They can't help it. Why? It's embedded in their political DNA.

Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy.[1][2][3][4] It typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished.[1] - Wikipedia 

This is their ostensible view. However, as I've pointed out before, their politics of envy tends to come back to bite them. They hate their targets, but want to be just like them. Consider this: when they were last in power, their leaders were Public School boys. In other words, they tend to do best when their leaders are wealthy and privileged because those people aren't obsessed with wealth and privilege, how it's not fair that some have it while the rest of us don't, so they need to be divested of it. It's the privilege-stripping that interests me here because I'm seeing it in their treatment of natal women, whom they seem to think of as being a privileged class that needs taking down a peg.

Consider these Twitter threads:

And these threats of violence against TERFs, i.e. people who dare to question the TRA (Trans Rights Activist) narrative.

Now look at Stephen's Tweets With Replies. He's left wing, and considers himself to be a decent human being, standing up for the little guy. The trouble with his viewpoint (and that of others who think like him), is that they tend to see rights as privileges and both as a zero-sum game. For one person to enjoy a set of rights, someone else needs to lose some of theirs. Why? Because that's how other areas of privilege work. If you want to have money for Nice Things, e.g. schools and hospitals, we need to tax the rich (which I am in favour of. Nobody needs £1bn). Once the Bonobo faction of progressives (remember them?) gets involved, this paradigm is invoked in the name of class equality for the most fashionably Oppressed Mass. At the moment, it's trans folk. Natal women are getting the sharp end of the stick as the privileged class, and are being portrayed as bigots for objecting to having their sex-based rights eroded in the same way as the super rich are portrayed as greedy for objecting to being taxed more. It's the same kind of thinking.

Why transwomen's rights are men's rights

Did you know that men's toilets outnumber womens' toilets 2:1? Did you know that not all trans people have reassignment treatment? I want to do the right thing by vulnerable people but I'd rather not be taken for a ride. The point is, women are being told to yield their privacy and dignity to male-bodied people; men aren't facing that problem. While it's true that transwomen face harassment and abuse from men if they enter male-only spaces, they're a subset of men and it's up to men to sort this out. I think the provision of single-stall gender-neutral toilets would solve the problem; they'd be in a room they could lock and enjoy complete privacy in a space where anyone can go without being stared at or judged by others.

Gender Dysphoria is a complex biopsychosocial phenomenon, not a mental illness. It can and does result in self-mutilation in order to achieve the sense of one's body matching one's gender identity. Unfortunately, since one can't actually change sex, the best transwomen can achieve is a physical approximation thereof, which means that while many of them end up passing for women, they're still biologically men, and therefore think and act like men. In fact, gender affirmation therapy involves encouraging them to act more feminine or masculine, depending on what they are transitioning from and to. While one can argue that this is due to cultural and social expectations, the point is that, as a subset of men, many of them bring a masculine sense of entitlement to deference from natal women to the table, and that is what the arguments are all about.

How progressivism tilts the balance

Progressivism, as I've pointed out before, is about shifting the boundaries of what we consider to be normal, particularly in the realms of family and sexuality. This is a result of its Marxist roots.

The trouble with embracing flat out weirdness till it becomes the norm is that we fallible human beings then have to find new parameters of appearance, attitude, and behaviour to describe as weird. Agitators come along and campaign until their pet cause has been socially accepted, there's another seismic shift, and a new normal has been achieved. This means that we then find that the outer limits of the outright ooky have now crept closer and what was once considered to be "not in my neighbourhood" now lives next door. - Has Political Correctness Finally Gone Too Far? by Wendy Cockcroft for On t'Internet

Progressives love to frame their activism in terms of being kind to oppressed masses, but the Bonobo faction take great delight in blurring the boundaries to the point of utter confusion. These are the people who believe that a male-bodied person with a full beard and no medical transitioning should be called a lesbian. As I pointed out before:

The trouble with blurring the boundaries is that it entrenches rape culture by making it socially unacceptable to say no to unwanted touch, etc. - Rape Culture: Where The Left Lets Us Down, by Wendy Cockcroft for On t'Internet

If you think I'm exaggerating, look up the term "cotton ceiling." Have fun!

Science denial and gaslighting

The biggest issue natal women face from the Trans Rights Activist brigade is science denial and gaslighting, which underpins their crusade against women's sex-based rights. By repeating the tautology, "Transwomen are women" they deny the biological fact that oh, no, they're not. No amount of hormones and surgery can erase years of male privilege — or change your actual sex. Still they persist. They have successfuly co-opted human rights organisations such as ACLU and Amnesty International to the degree that dissenting collectives such as LGB Alliance and Woman's Place are labelled hate groups.

The worst thing they do is claim that the effects of puberty blockers can be reversed, so it's okay to give them to kids. Not true, people!

Use of GnRH analogues might also have long-term effects on:

  • Bone density
  • Future fertility
Children will likely have their height checked every three months. Your child's doctor might recommend yearly bone density and bone age tests.

If children with male genitalia begin using GnRH analogues early in puberty, they might not develop enough penile and scrotal skin for certain gender confirmation genital surgical procedures, such as penile inversion vaginoplasty. Alternative techniques, however, are available. In addition, delaying puberty beyond one's peers can be stressful. Your child might experience lower self-esteem. - Pubertal blockers for transgender and gender diverse youth, article on the Mayo Clinic website

Just so we all understand: puberty resumes when the blockers are stopped, but the side effects of loss of bone density, infertility, and arrested physical development will persist. That's not reversal of effects, is it?

While the needs of transgender individuals should be carefully taken into account, subjecting them to permanent physical changes that they might regret later is not only unconscionable, it's actionable. Why not accept our fellow human beings as they are?


Any further discussion needs to be based on facts with equality for everyone, per Stonewall co-founder Simone Fanshawe. I agree with him. Nobody need concede their rights for the sake of someone else. It's not a pie we compete for a share of. Rights are for everyone and nobody should be left out. Not even women.

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