
Wednesday 8 July 2020

Free Speech: The Discussions We Can Never Have

I am muting this threadThe tweet on the left is the kind of response I'm getting from bloggers I can usually rely on to give a good take on freedom of speech, with all its permutations. Why?

They Who Shall Not Be Named were mentioned on that thread and Himself muted it, no doubt afraid of being torn apart in a tug-o-war between hysterical bandwagon riders and hacked off women like myself who get accused of all sorts of crap for not joining them. His colleague, who had promoted and encouraged me before, also backed away slowly and legged it. It's funny; any other controversial subject would have them both very firmly engaged but this one? Hell, no. I can't blame them really, it's so damn toxic but has nobody stopped to ask why statements that were uncontroversial last year can get you fired from your job now? Why simply liking a tweet or saying you support a particular person's right to speak out can cause an angry mob to descend upon you? I have some answers.

  • It's driven by men for money
  • The woke folk are on board to assist an oppressed mass
  • People are afraid to speak out for women
  • Dissenters are being forced to the right

Okay, let's dig in.

It's driven by men for money

What used to be a relatively rare phenomenon is being driven, primarily by men, for money. As a result we have doctors pushing for a reduction in the age of consent to give kids drugs that are usually used for treating cancer. If you're wondering what TWAW is now a thing, follow the money. Donations provided by drug firms to political parties helps to get their issue on the party manifesto, and its members then begin to parrot the talking points. I was on the receiving end of this when a former Pirate friend started squawking it at me right before I asked him not to be such a misogynistic wokebro and he blocked me. That was last month.

The very rich are also driving interest in transgenderism as opposed to transsexualism. They pay for articles to be seeded in popular news blogs such as Vox and have even got the Scientific American on board to add scientific credibility based on starfish, slugs, and clownfish.

The woke folk are on board to assist an oppressed mass

As I've pointed out before, where there is an Oppressed Mass, there the Left will gather like flies on... well, you know. So it is that whenever a Woke Hero, e.g. George Takei or Stephen King toots the TWAW horn, a mighty horde of adoring fans descend to tell him what a Good Doggie he is for saying what they want to hear while angry women ask why a man with a wife and daughter would abandon the women in his life to potential predators, owing to the TWAW activists' inability to tell the difference between a trans woman and a predatory man. But something changed, as described by our transsexual sister Emma:

You'd think, then, that since the woke folk keep telling us that trans folk are oppressed and in need of protection, they'd stand up for all of them, not just the ones they agree with, but you would be wrong. I've seen transsexuals complain about having their language policed; it seems the people making all these decisions haven't bothered to consult them about it. They've also decided that only those people who agree with them are genuinely oppressed and the ones who have a realistic outlook are Bad Dogs and must be whacked on the muzzle with a newspaper and told "No" until they understand. It's really quite sickening, considering that people who have better things to do are now obliged to keep up with the breakneck speed of Woke politics.

Debbie Hayton screencap of abuseWoe betide the ones who don't. Seriously. Woe, woe, and even more woe upon these wicked handmaidens of the Terven.

I've seen the same accusations levelled at this transwoman over and over again because she doesn't drink the TWAW (transwomen are women) koolaid — by women.

Why the hell are women joining in? A desire to protect the oppressed? They won't get any thanks for it and will catch all kinds of hell if they go off-script or express an independent opinion that isn't the wokest of the woke. I'd rather throw my lot in with people who *don't* keep moving the goalposts. They don't even seem to have clocked that we weren't having this conversation this time last year. The last time I saw anything like it was the mindless chanting of the mob in The Mummy. It really is creepy.

People are afraid to speak out for women

Liked: I am muting this thread...

I've contacted my blogger friends, who have an interest in freedom of speech, but they refuse to touch this and I respect their boundaries. It's hardly surprising considering that a) they're men and b) I'm a woman calling out misogyny against women. I'm not an Oppressed Mass as such, it's just that I hate the bullying that goes on and, at a guess, these chaps' refusal to engage with me on this might hit their bottom line if sponsors bail on them for picking a side. Which is funny, considering that they write about free speech all the time and claim they are not being muzzled by sponsors.

What's particularly creepy is seeing feminist bloggers throw women under the bus to appease what is basically a mens' rights movement. If trans women really were women they'd be all about safeguarding but anyone who mentions it is accusing them of all sorts and therefore a witch to be burned. I'm forever having conversations about this:

TWAW - no safeguarding, it's transphobic

You're not allowed to mention safeguarding women and girls. If you see a man who is visibly male enter women-only spaces and challenge him, you are transphobic. So we can't visually tell men apart from women any more, even if they're bearded men, unless, I kid you not, we ask them if they are a woman or not. What could possibly go wrong?

TWAW lies

Don't get me started on the lies. If we mention safeguarding we get all kinds of gaslighting nonsense. First, we're to accept any man who walks into women-only spaces as a woman on say-so alone. Evidence-based policy goes flying out the window for feelz.

Now any concerns we have about *men* are, by default, about transwomen, even though they're apparently women. So... accusing men of being all beaty, rapey, and murdery is taking a pop at transwomen even though we're not allowed to tell the difference between men and women by sight alone?

What conclusion can a rational person come to? That transwomen are Schrodinger's Women; simultaneously both male and female if we see them as a potential threat because they look like blokes owing to the beard stubble, Adam's Apple and body hair. Hey, whatever floats your boat. Take it up with the woke folk if you dare.

Dissenters are being forced to the right

So here we are: it'd be great to be able to have a conversation about how to balance the rights and needs of our trans brothers and sisters without throwing our own rights out of the window, but we can't because a lot of us would lose our jobs if a mad mob showed up making wild allegations and complaining to sponsors, etc. But none of that is censorship because the government is not involved, or something, right? Yeah... about that: all dissenting discussion is being forced onto right-wing platforms if you don't want to risk your job or career. Nobody knows what I do for a living at the moment, I'm not stupid enough to post my current work situation and if I do ever finish my new novel I'll be using a pen name.

Meanwhile, all the Gender Critical people are moving to Parler, where the Trumpy Types live. Why? They're being banned from Twitter and Reddit, which have both decided that TWAW trumps natal women. I've noticed that apart from the Guardian, only the right wing press will carry any stories critical of the Transgender movement. This siloing is preventing a meaningful discussion because of the political polarisation, the result of which is that any questioning of gender ideology is split along left-right party lines. Since the Left has abandoned natal women, it falls to the Right to stand up for our sex-based rights (while denying us reproductive rights). Rock, meet hard place. Result: we are politically homeless and some of us are drifting to the Right.

What Now?

We wait. You can't create a situation where women are expected to accept without exception every man who says he's a woman as a woman. Where children are railroaded into transition by doctors eager to milk them for money when they transition and if they recant and detransition. Where people can take your kids off you and send them for gender confirmation therapies without your consent. Sooner or later something is going to blow the lid off this and it's going to be bigger than Thalidomide and the Catholic Clergy child sex abuse scandals put together. People need to start suing and refusing to be paid off. Imagine the discovery process. It will take a few years before this happens and God only knows how many lives will be destroyed but it will come to a head sooner or later. The lawsuits don't need to happen. The ruined lives don't need to happen. The permanently damaged, sterilised bodies of children don't need to happen, but unless we wake up in the next few months, they will. And when they do I can 100% guarantee you this — you can take it to the bank — every single wokebro and right-on woke woman will totally deny that they were ever in favour of this. They'll delete all their TWAW tweets and pretend it was only a joke and that they didn't mean it, but we have the receipts.

People don't need to suffer. Speak out now, please, before it's too late.

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